    GREAT AMERICAN PATRIOTS!! (THE "MILITIA" BEGINS AT HOME!!!) https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/142/190/767/original/03be3feca2d09460.png
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    Let me tell you something.... I don't care if you are New York, California, or the black robed Supreme Court (#SCOTUS) the #SecondAmendment is VERY CLEAR

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! Can you people read???
    There is NO CIRCUMSTANCES which gives #Government a right to violate those rights! EVER!

    SCOTUS has ONE JOB! That job is to ensure that Government does NOT violate the #Constitution! PERIOD!

    A "#Militia" is formed from ARMED INDIVIDUALS!

    I believe that even taking that right from #Felons is illegal!

    Now I'll say it's reasonable to take #2ndAmendment Rights away from people who HAVE USED A FIREARM IN COMMISSION OF A CRIME! But NOT just "felons"

    You can be given a felony for a crack rock, forging, driving too fast in some cases! A "Felony" means NOTHING!



    PART ONE - SCOTUS CASE: NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION INC. V. BRUEN Let me tell you something.... I don't care if you are New York, California, or the black robed Supreme Court (#SCOTUS) the #SecondAmendment is VERY CLEAR "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! Can you people read??? There is NO CIRCUMSTANCES which gives #Government a right to violate those rights! EVER! SCOTUS has ONE JOB! That job is to ensure that Government does NOT violate the #Constitution! PERIOD! A "#Militia" is formed from ARMED INDIVIDUALS! EVERY AMERICAN HAS THE RIGHT TO HAVE A FIREARM! PERIOD! I believe that even taking that right from #Felons is illegal! Now I'll say it's reasonable to take #2ndAmendment Rights away from people who HAVE USED A FIREARM IN COMMISSION OF A CRIME! But NOT just "felons" You can be given a felony for a crack rock, forging, driving too fast in some cases! A "Felony" means NOTHING! MOST FELONIES ARE TRUMPED UP MISDEMEANORS! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! https://www.bitchute.com/video/2R-IaWmTFto/
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  • Original Intent vs. Judicial Activism | Constitution Corner

    America has been under attack from all directions since George Bush Sr. was the President, and really even before that! But since Barack #Obama was elected they no longer even hide it!

    Judicial activism is one vehicle the #Communists have used over and over again! I don't agree with giving lifetime appointments to people before knowing their intentions!

    When a judge strays from interpreting the Constitutionality of Laws, and strays into the area of reinterpreting the #Constitution itself OR ignoring it all together, he/she has crossed the line and needs to be REMOVED from the bench!

    There are ways of impeaching ANY elected or appointed individual, the problem lies in a #Government which has become #Corrupt, and the 3 branches of that corrupt government no longer act as a check and balance against the other branches of government, but instead they work in unison to DESTROY the checks and balances.

    Our Government has been usurped by enemies of this country, who are now dismantling the country, and your protections under the Constitution as fast as they possibly can, while at the same time they are purposefully causing the economy to collapse!

    These are ALL HIGH CRIMES!
    Because these corrupt #Traitors control the military and the federal government they believe they can get away with it!

    What they did NOT count on was the most powerful, and ONLY Constitutional Law Enforcement Officer in America! He is an ELECTED OFFICIAL who is NOT under the control of politicians!

    He has broad Constitutional powers which enable him to make ARRESTS and if needed, he can also DEPUTIZE CITIZENS, instantly exponentially growing his Force using the American People themselves to form a "Well regulated #Militia" to regain control of the country and ARREST the Traitors who are attempting to destroy it!

    He has the authority to tell Federal Law Enforcement to stay out of his county, and he CAN ARREST THEM should they ignore his wishes! If needed he can use citizens to back him up any time he feels the need!

    At a time when the Federal Agencies out of Washington DC are illegally arresting political rivals on trumped up BS charges it's time we activated our Sheriffs!

    If you are like me, You don't really care for Law Enforcement because of the misconduct AND LEO Training which has taught police that "The People" are the enemy! They are taught an "Us vs Them" mentality!

    But the fact is we are ALL Americans! Writing tickets and arresting people with drug problems was never really constitutional anyway! It's more like Racketeering!

    PROTECTING AND SERVING is what Police are actually for! And since they are under attack as well, I'm sure they'll recognize this! We MUST start choosing our Sheriffs like we choose our babysitters! And we MUST Organize our communities around our County Sheriff!

    Because the simple fact of the matter is that WE ARE AT WAR!
    We ARE going to LAWFULLY RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC! Our Sheriffs can lead the way and the citizens can back them up!

    Because at the end of the day you are either a Traitor and a Communist trying to destroy the greatest country there ever was or you are an American who KNOWS if we lose Freedom here there's nowhere left to run! THIS is the #Alamo!

    Join #CSPOA and get your Sheriff to join too! Let's return to the days of our Sheriff being an active member of our community, where EVERYONE MEETS to discuss our local and national issues, protect our Bill of Rights & Constitution from the Corrupt Federal Government and their edicts!

    The ONLY thing that matters in this country is that we worship God and we DEFEND #Freedom! The 500,000 pages of useless laws written by a useless Congress seeking to destroy us is NOT really important at this time!

    Getting those criminals out of THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE IS!

    Original Intent vs. Judicial Activism | Constitution Corner America has been under attack from all directions since George Bush Sr. was the President, and really even before that! But since Barack #Obama was elected they no longer even hide it! Judicial activism is one vehicle the #Communists have used over and over again! I don't agree with giving lifetime appointments to people before knowing their intentions! When a judge strays from interpreting the Constitutionality of Laws, and strays into the area of reinterpreting the #Constitution itself OR ignoring it all together, he/she has crossed the line and needs to be REMOVED from the bench! There are ways of impeaching ANY elected or appointed individual, the problem lies in a #Government which has become #Corrupt, and the 3 branches of that corrupt government no longer act as a check and balance against the other branches of government, but instead they work in unison to DESTROY the checks and balances. Our Government has been usurped by enemies of this country, who are now dismantling the country, and your protections under the Constitution as fast as they possibly can, while at the same time they are purposefully causing the economy to collapse! These are ALL HIGH CRIMES! Because these corrupt #Traitors control the military and the federal government they believe they can get away with it! What they did NOT count on was the most powerful, and ONLY Constitutional Law Enforcement Officer in America! He is an ELECTED OFFICIAL who is NOT under the control of politicians! He has broad Constitutional powers which enable him to make ARRESTS and if needed, he can also DEPUTIZE CITIZENS, instantly exponentially growing his Force using the American People themselves to form a "Well regulated #Militia" to regain control of the country and ARREST the Traitors who are attempting to destroy it! He has the authority to tell Federal Law Enforcement to stay out of his county, and he CAN ARREST THEM should they ignore his wishes! If needed he can use citizens to back him up any time he feels the need! At a time when the Federal Agencies out of Washington DC are illegally arresting political rivals on trumped up BS charges it's time we activated our Sheriffs! If you are like me, You don't really care for Law Enforcement because of the misconduct AND LEO Training which has taught police that "The People" are the enemy! They are taught an "Us vs Them" mentality! But the fact is we are ALL Americans! Writing tickets and arresting people with drug problems was never really constitutional anyway! It's more like Racketeering! PROTECTING AND SERVING is what Police are actually for! And since they are under attack as well, I'm sure they'll recognize this! We MUST start choosing our Sheriffs like we choose our babysitters! And we MUST Organize our communities around our County Sheriff! Because the simple fact of the matter is that WE ARE AT WAR! We ARE going to LAWFULLY RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC! Our Sheriffs can lead the way and the citizens can back them up! Because at the end of the day you are either a Traitor and a Communist trying to destroy the greatest country there ever was or you are an American who KNOWS if we lose Freedom here there's nowhere left to run! THIS is the #Alamo! Join #CSPOA and get your Sheriff to join too! Let's return to the days of our Sheriff being an active member of our community, where EVERYONE MEETS to discuss our local and national issues, protect our Bill of Rights & Constitution from the Corrupt Federal Government and their edicts! The ONLY thing that matters in this country is that we worship God and we DEFEND #Freedom! The 500,000 pages of useless laws written by a useless Congress seeking to destroy us is NOT really important at this time! Getting those criminals out of THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE IS! https://odysee.com/@TheJohnBirchSociety:e/original-intent-vs.-judicial-activism:c
    Original Intent vs. Judicial Activism | Constitution Corner
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    Do you think that these #Corrupt government employees are going to ARREST THEMSELVES??? The Federal Government is actually a FOREIGN THREAT TO THE United States right now!

    ALL Federal Agencies have went rogue!

    You MUST get down and have a serious talk with your COUNTY SHERIFF about the threats we ALL FACE AS AMERICANS and get your Sheriff to join #CSPOA!

    It's the provision the Founder's put into the Constitution to maintain Law and Order AND to be "The Alamo" in the event that #Congress and/or the President goes #Authoritarian (Like ours has)

    At this point in time your SHERIFF will understand that HE TOO IS UNDER ATTACK! Your Sheriff has broad Constitutional Authority! He CAN DEPUTIZE CITIZENS if the need arises just like old west Sheriffs did! And he has ARREST POWERS!

    Folks...... He is the guy that CAN Constitutionally and LAWFULLY create "A well regulated #Militia"

    It's TIME! Your Community should choose a Sheriff like you'd choose a BABYSITTER! You MUST make the RIGHT CHOICE!

    And you MUST vet your candidates for Sheriff!
    It's VERY IMPORTANT that you ORGANIZE YOUR COMMUNITY and have COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS WITH YOUR #SHERIFF! Do you think that these #Corrupt government employees are going to ARREST THEMSELVES??? The Federal Government is actually a FOREIGN THREAT TO THE United States right now! ALL Federal Agencies have went rogue! You MUST get down and have a serious talk with your COUNTY SHERIFF about the threats we ALL FACE AS AMERICANS and get your Sheriff to join #CSPOA! It's the provision the Founder's put into the Constitution to maintain Law and Order AND to be "The Alamo" in the event that #Congress and/or the President goes #Authoritarian (Like ours has) At this point in time your SHERIFF will understand that HE TOO IS UNDER ATTACK! Your Sheriff has broad Constitutional Authority! He CAN DEPUTIZE CITIZENS if the need arises just like old west Sheriffs did! And he has ARREST POWERS! Folks...... He is the guy that CAN Constitutionally and LAWFULLY create "A well regulated #Militia" It's TIME! Your Community should choose a Sheriff like you'd choose a BABYSITTER! You MUST make the RIGHT CHOICE! And you MUST vet your candidates for Sheriff!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 170 Visualizações
  • 4100 Patents on coronavirus tests drugs and treatments existed before coronavirus did!

    All you need to do to PROVE the #CriminalConspiracy which is #Covid19 is to download the information from Dr David Martin, and a video or two..... Then you need to mail it CERTIFIED MAIL to your Atty General of your State!

    Then you need to email, mail, hand deliver whatever.. it to JUDGES, FEDERAL PROSECUTORS, your Governor, Lt. Governor and YOUR SHERIFF!

    While you are at your sheriff's office PLEASE speak to him about joining the #CSPOA! Organize your communities alongside your sheriff!

    He has arrest powers AND the Constitutional Authority to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS to help him restore order!
    That's what I call "A well regulated #Militia"

    4100 Patents on coronavirus tests drugs and treatments existed before coronavirus did! All you need to do to PROVE the #CriminalConspiracy which is #Covid19 is to download the information from Dr David Martin, and a video or two..... Then you need to mail it CERTIFIED MAIL to your Atty General of your State! Then you need to email, mail, hand deliver whatever.. it to JUDGES, FEDERAL PROSECUTORS, your Governor, Lt. Governor and YOUR SHERIFF! While you are at your sheriff's office PLEASE speak to him about joining the #CSPOA! Organize your communities alongside your sheriff! He has arrest powers AND the Constitutional Authority to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS to help him restore order! That's what I call "A well regulated #Militia" https://rumble.com/vqoc5u-4100-patents-on-coronavirus-tests-drugs-and-treatments-existed-before-coron.html
    4100 Patents on coronavirus tests drugs and treatments existed before coronavirus did!
    The NIH and CDC are involved in a massive #Criminal Conspiracy and are guilty of causing the deaths of untold numbers of people! I think it's time for JUSTICE! These criminals are attempting to enslav
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  • We are at war with scumbags who are using tried and true methods to DESTROY A NATION!

    All one needs to do to stop them is to recognize their tactics and then file charges against them for the attempt!

    WHY IS IT that everyone thinks that members of #Congress are "untouchable?" What, because the Federal Authorities have grown too corrupt to perform their function?

    There is more than one way to skin a cat!
    The FIRST STEP is speaking to your county Sheriff!
    He has the authority to form a "Well Regulated #Militia" which is what we need at this point!

    Police are under attack too! Most Officers will recognize this is the only hope to save this country!

    Anyone in federal law enforcement who is ENABLING THESE CRIMES by failing to uphold the law is COMPLICIT and should be arrested too! JUSTICE is their DUTY!

    NOT protecting Political #Criminals trying to DESTROY the country!

    We are at war with scumbags who are using tried and true methods to DESTROY A NATION! All one needs to do to stop them is to recognize their tactics and then file charges against them for the attempt! WHY IS IT that everyone thinks that members of #Congress are "untouchable?" What, because the Federal Authorities have grown too corrupt to perform their function? There is more than one way to skin a cat! The FIRST STEP is speaking to your county Sheriff! He has the authority to form a "Well Regulated #Militia" which is what we need at this point! Police are under attack too! Most Officers will recognize this is the only hope to save this country! Anyone in federal law enforcement who is ENABLING THESE CRIMES by failing to uphold the law is COMPLICIT and should be arrested too! JUSTICE is their DUTY! NOT protecting Political #Criminals trying to DESTROY the country! https://redice.tv/news/racist-a-word-invented-by-ussr-s-leon-trotsky
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 566 Visualizações
  • Join the CSPOA and get your Sheriff to join too! This is how we take back the US

    I encourage you to SHARE THIS VIDEO and to go watch the long version which is in the description!

    While George #Soros was pretty slick installing #Corrupt individuals into our government the way he did, he just isn't as smart as our FOUNDERS!

    Our FOUNDERS gave County Sheriffs the Constitutional Authority to make arrests AND to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS anytime he needs to do so!

    WHAT DO YOU THINK "A well organized #Militia" is???
    It's when citizens join their Sheriff to PROTECT AND DEFEND LIBERTY and arrest some Traitors should the need arise!

    Your Sheriff's Office should be the focal point for your community! The corrupt government have been trying to separate #Police and Citizens into "Us vs Them" for a long time now!

    But your Sheriff's Office is where this changes! Police who have been ILLEGALLY FIRED over #VaccineMandates can be DEPUTIZED BY THE SHERIFF just like the citizens!

    We ARE at war! It's time we start acting like it!
    The Federal Government has gone rogue and it's time we reel them back in!

    Join the CSPOA and get your Sheriff to join too! This is how we take back the US I encourage you to SHARE THIS VIDEO and to go watch the long version which is in the description! While George #Soros was pretty slick installing #Corrupt individuals into our government the way he did, he just isn't as smart as our FOUNDERS! Our FOUNDERS gave County Sheriffs the Constitutional Authority to make arrests AND to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS anytime he needs to do so! WHAT DO YOU THINK "A well organized #Militia" is??? It's when citizens join their Sheriff to PROTECT AND DEFEND LIBERTY and arrest some Traitors should the need arise! Your Sheriff's Office should be the focal point for your community! The corrupt government have been trying to separate #Police and Citizens into "Us vs Them" for a long time now! But your Sheriff's Office is where this changes! Police who have been ILLEGALLY FIRED over #VaccineMandates can be DEPUTIZED BY THE SHERIFF just like the citizens! We ARE at war! It's time we start acting like it! The Federal Government has gone rogue and it's time we reel them back in! https://rumble.com/vql9c5-join-the-cspoa-and-get-your-sheriff-to-join.html
    Join the CSPOA and get your Sheriff to join too! This is how we take back the US
    The PEOPLE run this country! NOT corrupt politicians! Everyone needs to build a relationship with their County Sheriff! When you have a government gone Tyrant, there is a way to deal with them LAWFULL
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 276 Visualizações
  • HILARIOUS Video Shows Gate Agent Paging "RECALL NEWSOM" for ALL to Hear

    Not all states CAN recall a terrible politician!

    Of course THEY CAN get their county Sheriff to ARREST THEM if they break the law OR violate the Constitution!


    The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is for County Sheriffs, Law Enforcement, Pastors and Preachers and CITIZENS! YOUR SUPPORT IS CRUCIAL!

    It shows these Peace Officers that you have their back and that you support their CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to deputize citizens and uphold the CONSTITUTION over unconstitutional edicts and mandates!

    The County Sheriff has some serious Authority! He actually has the CONSTITUTIONALLY ENUMERATED authority to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS!

    In other words boys and girls, he has the Constitutional Authority to form "The Militia" we are always talking about! A REAL ONE, A LAWFUL ONE!

    HILARIOUS Video Shows Gate Agent Paging "RECALL NEWSOM" for ALL to Hear ALL 50 STATES MUST PASS RECALL LEGISLATION!!! Not all states CAN recall a terrible politician! Of course THEY CAN get their county Sheriff to ARREST THEM if they break the law OR violate the Constitution! Go RIGHT NOW AND JOIN #CSPOA dot org! The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is for County Sheriffs, Law Enforcement, Pastors and Preachers and CITIZENS! YOUR SUPPORT IS CRUCIAL! It shows these Peace Officers that you have their back and that you support their CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to deputize citizens and uphold the CONSTITUTION over unconstitutional edicts and mandates! The County Sheriff has some serious Authority! He actually has the CONSTITUTIONALLY ENUMERATED authority to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS! In other words boys and girls, he has the Constitutional Authority to form "The Militia" we are always talking about! A REAL ONE, A LAWFUL ONE! https://rumble.com/vlppaa-hilarious-video-shows-gate-agent-paging-recall-newsom-for-all-to-hear.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 181 Visualizações
  • South Carolina law has an "unorganized militia" clause, and GOP lawmakers want to make it stronger to strengthen gun rights in the state. https://conservativefiringline.com/south-carolinas-unorganized-militia-an-upgrade-proposed/
    South Carolina law has an "unorganized militia" clause, and GOP lawmakers want to make it stronger to strengthen gun rights in the state. https://conservativefiringline.com/south-carolinas-unorganized-militia-an-upgrade-proposed/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 195 Visualizações
  • Well, I've decided I'm going to continue using MeWe.... Imperfect as it is, other platforms Gab and Minds and Xephula (which are more ideal from my standpoint - which less restrictive content terms) are still too much of a right-wing echo chamber.... I doubt all my liberal friends would jump over here, but they might give MeWe a look. So I'm going to create a second account here that's like my public "Instagram" for just my photos. I'm also going to be posting all the same content to Xephula or Gab as well, for my conservative/libertarian/anarchist friends who find even MeWe's content restrictions a bit too much (I haven't decided which platform yet, but most likely Gab, because like MeWe, its business model also isn't based on advertisements). My standard is whether it would have net positive or negative impact if I contributed to a platform, and I have to admit, *though imperfect*, it would be an improvement if my more left-leaning jumped over to MeWe. Though they ban speech in favor of violence and hate speech of all kinds, and do this in a such strict way that I think it's ridiculous at times (e.g. banning the gun emoji and censoring searches for the term "militia"), at they at least do this consistently (they even ban hate speech against conservatives and Trump supporters), and there is no "misinformation" policy that is prone to abuse (or deplatforming people based on certain political beliefs.) It would be a great improvement, if people left platforms like Facebook for ones built around privacy, where the users are the customer and not the product, and where the feed of information organic and in chronological order, not manipulated by algorithms. If MeWe gets too big like to the point where its information restrictions have an outsized influence on society (like Facebook did), then I may have to stop posting my content here as well, but for now there is room for a multiplicity of approaches and platforms, some with more restrictions, some with fewer. So for now, I will be be using more than one.

    You can find my MeWe profile here:


    And here is my profile on Gab:

    Well, I've decided I'm going to continue using MeWe.... Imperfect as it is, other platforms Gab and Minds and Xephula (which are more ideal from my standpoint - which less restrictive content terms) are still too much of a right-wing echo chamber.... I doubt all my liberal friends would jump over here, but they might give MeWe a look. So I'm going to create a second account here that's like my public "Instagram" for just my photos. I'm also going to be posting all the same content to Xephula or Gab as well, for my conservative/libertarian/anarchist friends who find even MeWe's content restrictions a bit too much (I haven't decided which platform yet, but most likely Gab, because like MeWe, its business model also isn't based on advertisements). My standard is whether it would have net positive or negative impact if I contributed to a platform, and I have to admit, *though imperfect*, it would be an improvement if my more left-leaning jumped over to MeWe. Though they ban speech in favor of violence and hate speech of all kinds, and do this in a such strict way that I think it's ridiculous at times (e.g. banning the gun emoji and censoring searches for the term "militia"), at they at least do this consistently (they even ban hate speech against conservatives and Trump supporters), and there is no "misinformation" policy that is prone to abuse (or deplatforming people based on certain political beliefs.) It would be a great improvement, if people left platforms like Facebook for ones built around privacy, where the users are the customer and not the product, and where the feed of information organic and in chronological order, not manipulated by algorithms. If MeWe gets too big like to the point where its information restrictions have an outsized influence on society (like Facebook did), then I may have to stop posting my content here as well, but for now there is room for a multiplicity of approaches and platforms, some with more restrictions, some with fewer. So for now, I will be be using more than one. You can find my MeWe profile here: https://mewe.com/i/lordofthebrambles And here is my profile on Gab: https://gab.com/lordofthebrambles
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